Our Environmental Policy

 As RHG Enertürk Enerji Üretim ve Ticaret A.Ş., Muradiye Elektrik Üretim A.Ş. we aim to minimize our environmental impact by setting measurable targets within the framework of our sustainability strategy, commitments and goals in our entire activities that we carry out with the vision of becoming a leading organization in the renewable energy sector, starting from the investment process and continuing throughout the operation. By regularly measuring our environmental impact in all our activities, investments and operations, together with our supply chain and subcontractors, we consider improving our performance for our environmental management, full compliance with local laws and other relevant obligations as the basis of our Environmental Policy.

We introduce the performance of our environmental management to the attention of all interested parties, adhering to the principle of objectivity and transparency.

Within the framework of this policy, we declare, undertake the disclose the following provisions to the public;

·        Meeting the requirements of ISO 14001 Environmental Management Systems with the relevant environmental legislation, laws, regulations,

·        Setting goals based on our sustainability targets for monitoring, measuring and auditing environmental performance, achieving the relevant goals by planning for the goals set,

·        Measuring our environmental impact regularly, at least once a year, by determining performance indicators, especially emission reduction targets, in line with our sustainability strategy, Sustainable Development Goals and local plans, and disclosing it to the general public annually,

·        Organizing awareness activities, trainings and seminars for our employees and all interested parties on the protection of the environment, the reduction of the use of natural resources and the observance of our environmental rules,

·        Regularly performing energy consumption and emission calculations to combat climate change; taking measures for energy efficiency and emission reduction,

·        Improving your water management performance, reducing water consumption and wastewater amount,

·        Adopting the principles of zero waste, minimizing waste production and actively working for circularity,

·        Sorting the inevitable wastes primarily at the source, recycling and disposing of them with the most appropriate methods,

·        Improving resource efficiency,

·        Carrying out studies and endeavors for the protection and development of ecosystem, habitat and biodiversity in our areas of operations,

·        Including the best, environmentally friendly and energy efficient production techniques and technologies on the path to achieving our goals,

·        Observing environmental impacts in our supplier selection and purchases, encouraging and supporting our suppliers to reduce their environmental impacts, carrying out Sustainable Supply Chain endeavors in this context,

·        Determining whether our product-service purchases with a substantial environmental dimension meet the necessary environmental conditions in accordance with the life cycle principle,

·        Ensuring that the Environmental Management System is based on the necessary and sufficient document, its implementation and continuity in order to perceive it correctly,

·        Maintaining the studies and endeavors on environmental and social improvement active with effective communication with our stakeholders,

·        Complying with the legal regulations, standards, directives and rules of the institutions we are affiliated with in order to reach international standards in our activities,

·        Rendering it accessible to the general public and third parties,

·        Continuously improving the Environmental Management System.